Once upon a time, the Indus Valley Civilization was among the most powerful cultures of the ancient world. Today, more than 3000 years later, this area is part of Pakistan, with its major cities, Mohenjodaro and Harrappa, located in present day Sindh and Punjab respectively.
This civilization is of particular interest currently, due to the discourse it started between Indian and Pakistani people, both of whom claim the ancient civilization to be a part of their own culture, despite sharing the culture of the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years. The discourse started when an Indian Major Gaurav Arya tweeted “the word India comes from Indus and Indus Valley Civilization was present day Pakistan.” The discourse even started a new hashtag #AncientPakistan.
The Indus civilization was not the oldest civilization; Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt created urban areas before the Indus civilization did. In any case, the Indus civilization was, by a wide margin, the most geologically advanced of the three soonest civilizations. Indus civilization agriculture was probably very productive; all things considered, it was still fit to produce surpluses that were enough to help a huge number of occupants who were not agricultural. It depended on the extensive mechanical accomplishments of the pre-Harappan culture, including the plough. All things considered, next to no is thought about the farmers who supported cities and their agrarian strategies. There is no proof of any irrigation system, however, such proof might have been destroyed by constant, cataclysmic floods.
The Indus civilization’s economy seems to have relied fundamentally upon exchange, which was encouraged by major advances in transport technology. These advances included bullock-driven trucks that are indistinguishable from those seen all through South Asia today, just as boats.
In spite of various endeavors, researchers have not been able to decipher the Indus scripture. One issue is the absence of evidence. The majority of inscriptions have been found on seals or fired pots, and are close to 4 or 5 characters long; the longest is 26 characters. There is no evidence of a body of writing. Nobody knows which language people of the Indus civilization spoke; scholars’ guesses include are the Dravidian language family, the Munda, the Indo-Aryan, and Sumerian. Were it known which language was spoken by those from the Indus civilization, researchers may pick up signs that could assist them with deciphering the content. However, nobody knows.